This place is a real find! Also what you would call really boondocking. It's certainly in the "boonies", there aren't any designated camp spots & it's free!! There is no cell phone reception, no TV stations, & no weather radio. We feel quite isolated. The surprising part is that after driving thru totally flat country for about 140 miles, we are in red sandstone buttes surrounded by a small reservoir. The colors of the yellow aspen & cottonwood (plus the vivid reds & oranges of the poison ivy!) against the red sandstone walls & the very blue sky make for the most delightful scenery. Our spot is so level, we didn't even have to unhook the trailer. And walking around looking at all the birds is all the entertainment we need for a couple of days.
As we head further south, we are enjoying the lovely fall days, even though they are getting shorter. We hope you are all happy, healthy & warm for the winter. We look forward to our time in Arizona. The cats don't hate us too much for being forced to travel again. They seem to enjoy these rustic areas as much as we do.
# posted by Doug and Willie @ 10:58 AM